I promise this’ll be my last post about pasta (at least for a while) — but there’s nothing quite like a good cheesy filling in a creamy sauce, I just had to post about tortellini.  It takes me about 40 minutes start to finish to make a meal of these from scratch, but it’s so very worth it that I’ve had them for lunch probably 5 days a week since it first entered my head to try them.  It’s a weird world when good pasta is a delicacy instead of a staple — before going gluten-free I positively lived on spaghetti! — but hey, delicacies are worth their while.  🙂

I know, I know, we’re headed in to winter and I’m posting about ice cream? Well … I really have no excuse.  I just like ice cream and this is what I happen to have perfected this week. <shrug> Live with it. This is a tasty ice cream, though certainly not as sweet as most. In fact, it would make a great palate cleanser between courses, should you for some reason be serving a long multi-course meal. However, since I have never had call to do that, I just make this because I find it tasty.


Cinnamon rolls.  🙂  Need I say more?  I know Jocelyn did a post on a sugar-free version of these, so maybe you could add her alchemy to my own and get something really unusual yet delicious, but neither of us has tried it!  Living in two different time zones probably has something to do with it, but, I digress.  The real point is that these are so good I can’t keep them around.  If there’s a bunch of people around, everybody eats one; if there isn’t, everybody eats several.  They’re just plain yummy.

Well, here’s another (temporarily) picture-free post, as I appear to have lost the photos of this lasagna. I’d almost suspect Sean of absconding with them (since it means I’ll have to make this again soon to take pictures), but he would just ‘fess up if he had, so I know he hasn’t :D. Suffice it to say that a square of this lasagna is actually quite pretty, with the green, white and red layers. It’s also very tasty.
