Maple Frosting on Gingerbread CookiesSo I was making these gingerbread cookies yesterday with my now 2 1/2 year old, and discovered when we went to frost them that I only had half the powdered dry milk that I needed. What’s a mama to do? Well, I altered the frosting recipe, and ended up with one that is much more buttercream-like, easier to work with, and amazingly tasty. Isn’t it great when life works out like that?


See, my big not-so-secret secret is that I don’t have a pioneering thought in my head.  🙂  Jocelyn posts kolaches?  I post kolaches.  Jocelyn posts cinnamon rolls?  I post cinnamon rolls.   Jocelyn posts homemade chocolate?  I post homemade chocolate.  I’d be lost without my guru. paleo candies