The pizza crust itself is naturally paleo; of course, if you add cheese to your pizza, then it’s just “primal.” But you could certainly use these crusts without cheese. 🙂 This batter makes an absolutely wonderful pizza crust, with very little effort — it’s crispy on the bottom and tastes wonderful. The catch is, you
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I’ve always been of the firm belief that liquid smoke is what makes barbecue sauce delicious, so boy was I happy to finally find some that didn’t have added sugar. Since my family’s recently needed to add a low-FODMAP diet to our already bountiful list of dietary restrictions, finding usable liquid smoke meant it was time to make a good BBQ sauce recipe that didn’t use garlic or onions.

These little “primal” shortcakes look like my paleo drop biscuits, but you don’t need to make a nut milk to make them. They’re sweet, buttery, and absolutely delicious with strawberries and whipped coconut cream.

This recipe makes cake … or cupcakes … or muffins (if you’re like me, and you like your muffins super sweet — if you aren’t, just use less stevia!). Just add whatever flavorings you’d like — I’ve done blueberries, cocoa powder, and orange zest, and they all came out delicious. They bake quickly, cool quickly, and are even good cold the next day. The day after next I can’t speak to, because none of these puppies have ever lasted that long. 🙂

A good paleo bread has been really hard to come by. A good bread that works for the low-FODMAP diet my sister and are now supposed to try out has been … well, even harder to come by. 🙂 But this bread can fit either bill, depending whether you use cashew butter and cashew milk (which makes it paleo) or peanut butter and peanut milk (which makes it low-FODMAP).