The pizza crust itself is naturally paleo; of course, if you add cheese to your pizza, then it’s just “primal.” But you could certainly use these crusts without cheese. 🙂 This batter makes an absolutely wonderful pizza crust, with very little effort — it’s crispy on the bottom and tastes wonderful. The catch is, you
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I’ve always been of the firm belief that liquid smoke is what makes barbecue sauce delicious, so boy was I happy to finally find some that didn’t have added sugar. Since my family’s recently needed to add a low-FODMAP diet to our already bountiful list of dietary restrictions, finding usable liquid smoke meant it was time to make a good BBQ sauce recipe that didn’t use garlic or onions.

This frosting has no sugar, no gluten, no dairy. Just coconut cream and coconut butter, and extracts like vanilla, stevia, and others to sweeten and flavor it. It keeps several days and is spreadable (and pipeable!) at room temperature, but will keep longer in the fridge if you need it to. The consistency is creamy and frosting-y and delicious.

This recipe makes cake … or cupcakes … or muffins (if you’re like me, and you like your muffins super sweet — if you aren’t, just use less stevia!). Just add whatever flavorings you’d like — I’ve done blueberries, cocoa powder, and orange zest, and they all came out delicious. They bake quickly, cool quickly, and are even good cold the next day. The day after next I can’t speak to, because none of these puppies have ever lasted that long. 🙂

A good paleo bread has been really hard to come by. A good bread that works for the low-FODMAP diet my sister and are now supposed to try out has been … well, even harder to come by. 🙂 But this bread can fit either bill, depending whether you use cashew butter and cashew milk (which makes it paleo) or peanut butter and peanut milk (which makes it low-FODMAP).

This recipe was basically blind luck — I saw an ad for this pasta, and thought, ah, so close! … but I can’t have potato starch or xanthan gum! Well okay. I wonder if I can make my own version? Turns out, yes. Yes I can. Here it is. 🙂

So it looks like this is my fourth tortilla post on this blog, and my second paleo version. 🙂 Forgive me for not having a picture to put up — I was gonna, but life got crazy a couple days ago (long boring story I’ll spare you), so that didn’t happen and isn’t about to — but hey, you know what a tortilla looks like, basically. These tortillas look like that. 😀