I know, it sounds funny, but it’s really quite good. It’s Lent now, and as a vegetarian I don’t find meatless Fridays very hard to do :D, so I try to keep dinner simple on Friday so that we’re still giving something up. This was a new recipe, but it turned out really well. It’s very flavorful, but also very simple and easy to make.


Not long after my friend Ginny got diagnosed with celiac disease, she set me a challenge — to make a dough that could hold up to frying.  I told her I already had — since, as it turned out, I already had — but, it wasn’t a dough I was thrilled with.  Roll time forward, and happy breakthroughs on how to make flexible dough have brought me to the tasty, sweet, warm, crisp donut.

I figure it’s about time I followed up Jocelyn’s apple pie recipe with one of my own.  🙂  I can’t quite say she’s the one who taught me to make apple pie; back when we were finishing up college, I hadn’t really figured out how to make gluten-free pie crusts yet, so it’s more that she taught me how to make apple pie filling.

These two sauces have both been in use in my extended family for years. I highly recommend them both. I don’t have pictures for you, since, although I make these both quite often, I haven’t take pictures. I’ll put some up later, once I remember. Sorry :-(. I meant to post with pictures of some other things, but this weekend has been crazy!
