This curry is great served with rice, because once you eat all the veggies out you can tump in the rice and let it soak up the leftover liquid. Sometimes I even scoop some rice in with
earlier veggie-full bites, too. Some folks are adept enough to eat this dish with chopsticks when you eat it this way (with rice in the liquid) … I’m not :D. Even Sean, who is much better with chopsticks than I am, doesn’t eat this dish with them! But perhaps you have the chopstick-fu to pull it off. If so, more power to you. One way or the other, this is delicious, so enjoy!

For some inexplicable reason, people usually put bacon (usually in the form of bacon bits) in their twice-baked potatoes. I don’t really get it; it isn’t necessary at all! Of course, if you like bacon I’m sure it’s very nice, but that doesn’t so much work for me :D. Don’t worry, though, these potatoes have Sean’s seal of approval, and he actually likes bacon (weirdo). These aren’t as hard as they might sound–most of the prep time is actually just in the baking, which you don’t have to attend to much.

It’s Friday in Lent again, and lo and behold, I’m posting another soup. This one is so delicious I don’t have pictures for you–we were in a hurry, so I intended to take a picture of a bowl of the leftovers. Unfortunately, there weren’t any! Well, I suppose you could consider that fortunate, as it means three people polished off a single batch of this recipe.

I know, it sounds funny, but it’s really quite good. It’s Lent now, and as a vegetarian I don’t find meatless Fridays very hard to do :D, so I try to keep dinner simple on Friday so that we’re still giving something up. This was a new recipe, but it turned out really well. It’s very flavorful, but also very simple and easy to make.

These two sauces have both been in use in my extended family for years. I highly recommend them both. I don’t have pictures for you, since, although I make these both quite often, I haven’t take pictures. I’ll put some up later, once I remember. Sorry :-(. I meant to post with pictures of some other things, but this weekend has been crazy!

It’s time to add to the list of recipes I’ve redone so completely that I posted again! This week — pizza crusts! This version is much easier to work with, and tastier to boot. Not to mention this dough is a lot more fun to work with, since you don’t have to treat it like an unusually recalcitrant spreadable batter. That’s always a plus. As a result this recipe has completely displaced the previous version in our household. | ![]() |

This stuff tastes way, way better than it looks. 🙂 It’s a tasty, warm, cheesy, seafood-y delight I’ve always loved; in fact, the only reason I even have a casserole dish is that my mother got me one when I went to college just to make sure I could make some seafood casserole every now and then. Now that I can assemblepasta that holds up to being baked (and even to being reheated later!), it’s a must-have. | ![]() |

Hi! I know this is a terribly un-Christmasy post for December 23rd, but I am visiting relatives and haven’t had time to perfect any more desserts (and goodness knows I can’t give you an imperfect dessert!). So, a dinner for you :D. This one is nice because it is really quite quick.