Yes, it is entirely the wrong time of year for pumpkin pie. After all, fall doesn’t even start for another month, and Thanksgiving is two months beyond that! I say, what of it? Okay, yes, I’m not just being odd, there is a a real reason you’re getting a pumpkin pie recipe in August: my family is moving very soon and I have to use up my stores in the freezer. That means that the pumpkin puree that I made after Halloween and didn’t get to use for Thanksgiving needs to be used up or thrown out. I voted for pie over throwing it out, so here you go!

Baklava is a delicious dessert, and not so hard to make as you might think. This natural sugar version tastes so much like the original that I routinely surprise people when I mention that it doesn’t have any processed sugar. Also, Sean loves this stuff so much that I wasn’t able to post it for quite a while because he’d be eating it before I got a picture! I can’t think of higher praise for a dessert than that :D.