Rolls of cinnamon. Nomnomnomnomnom. They’re even good for breakfast the next day, which can occasionally lead to someone else eating the last ones before you’ve even rolled out of bed in the morning, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take. 🙂
Weirdly, I’ve found I don’t like cheesecake very much. I like the cream cheese pie we used to make with sweetened condensed milk, which as a small child I thought was cheesecake; not so much cheesecake. This ice cream, though, I adore. It’s rich and tangy and creamy and sweet.

Over the holidays, I finally invented a tasty, well-behaved paleo pasta. 🙂 That post will go up soon, since I’ve finally finished the last few tests I needed to do; for now, as a sort of teaser, here are the two sauces I made to ladle over the lovely pasta noodles we had for our Christmas feast.

It turns out being able to have a little agave nectar has also let me solve an ongoing problem with making a good ice cream base. Stevia-sweetened ice cream bases just never had the right texture, and were never quite sweet enough, either. My dad even likes this vanilla ice cream, and he’s not on a sugar-free diet yet. 🙂