So I was making these gingerbread cookies yesterday with my now 2 1/2 year old, and discovered when we went to frost them that I only had half the powdered dry milk that I needed. What’s a mama to do? Well, I altered the frosting recipe, and ended up with one that is much more buttercream-like, easier to work with, and amazingly tasty. Isn’t it great when life works out like that?

The funny part is that I like these pancakes even better than the gluten-free-but-not-paleo pancakes I’ve made in the past. 🙂 They’re easier to flip, thicker, and heartier, and the batter’s quicker and easier to make (as long as you have the ingredients and a food processor on hand). Even my grandma Cathie liked these for brunch on Thanksgiving morning. 🙂 | ![]() |

Hello again! Sorry for the unexpected week without a post, but things are oddly crazy around here for having nothing much going on. We have been out and about a lot, though, and one of those little outings was to a farmer’s market. Lacking a veggie garden of my own (currently! Hopefully I can change that by next spring, but we’ll see), I set out to get the stuff for homemade pickles from the market. I succeeded easily, since it is indeed canning season and pickling cucumbers are plentiful.

The BBQ sauce itself is, in fact, vegetarian :-). So, here you go! If you are here for non-vegetarian reasons I’m sure you’ll find many uses for it. If you are a vegetarian, well, hey, I make it now…there’s always parties, right :-)? Plus maybe you like it! Anyway, here is the super easy recipe.

Okay people. Frosting is HELLA hard to do without powdered sugar. I have tried and tried and tried and this is what I’ve got. It isn’t exactly like “normal” frosting, but it does work well and taste good. I do intend to keep reinventing frosting and see what other types I can come up with, but this works well as a basic cream cheese frosting. It has just a touch of a very pleasant maple flavor.

I’ve figured out a few more, and figured out how to do closed-face savory kolaches, so I thought I’d share with you :-). So, this post is rather simple, but it goes along with the earlier kolache dough recipes. Truvia is, in fact, gluten-free, so you can use these fillings with Jennifer’s kolache bread recipe if you’d like.

We have vanilla ice cream left over from a party in our freezer right now. Problem is, the pie it was originally served with is long gone, and I find vanilla ice cream quite dull without anything to dress it up :D. Unusually for me, chocolate syrup was what sounded good. However, I don’t actually like store-bought syrup much, and if I’m gonna make it, I may as well make it so Sean can have it!