Over the holidays, I finally invented a tasty, well-behaved paleo pasta. 🙂 That post will go up soon, since I’ve finally finished the last few tests I needed to do; for now, as a sort of teaser, here are the two sauces I made to ladle over the lovely pasta noodles we had for our Christmas feast.

So it looks like this is my fourth tortilla post on this blog, and my second paleo version.  🙂  Forgive me for not having a picture to put up — I was gonna, but life got crazy a couple days ago (long boring story I’ll spare you), so that didn’t happen and isn’t about to — but hey, you know what a tortilla looks like, basically.  These tortillas look like that.  😀

I’ve also done onion rings before, but, in keeping with my quest to make food my sister can eat on her new, even more restricted diet, here they are again, paleo.  🙂