The pizza crust itself is naturally paleo; of course, if you add cheese to your pizza, then it’s just “primal.” But you could certainly use these crusts without cheese. 🙂 This batter makes an absolutely wonderful pizza crust, with very little effort — it’s crispy on the bottom and tastes wonderful. The catch is, you
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I’ve always been of the firm belief that liquid smoke is what makes barbecue sauce delicious, so boy was I happy to finally find some that didn’t have added sugar. Since my family’s recently needed to add a low-FODMAP diet to our already bountiful list of dietary restrictions, finding usable liquid smoke meant it was time to make a good BBQ sauce recipe that didn’t use garlic or onions.

These little “primal” shortcakes look like my paleo drop biscuits, but you don’t need to make a nut milk to make them. They’re sweet, buttery, and absolutely delicious with strawberries and whipped coconut cream.

This frosting has no sugar, no gluten, no dairy. Just coconut cream and coconut butter, and extracts like vanilla, stevia, and others to sweeten and flavor it. It keeps several days and is spreadable (and pipeable!) at room temperature, but will keep longer in the fridge if you need it to. The consistency is creamy and frosting-y and delicious.

This recipe makes cake … or cupcakes … or muffins (if you’re like me, and you like your muffins super sweet — if you aren’t, just use less stevia!). Just add whatever flavorings you’d like — I’ve done blueberries, cocoa powder, and orange zest, and they all came out delicious. They bake quickly, cool quickly, and are even good cold the next day. The day after next I can’t speak to, because none of these puppies have ever lasted that long. 🙂

We’ve done a lot of pancake recipes before; but this one’s my favorite so far. 🙂 These pancakes feel light and fluffy, and don’t flatten out or get hard as they cool. And no, they don’t taste like cheese or eggs — they really do taste like pancakes!

Rolls of cinnamon. Nomnomnomnomnom. They’re even good for breakfast the next day, which can occasionally lead to someone else eating the last ones before you’ve even rolled out of bed in the morning, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take. 🙂

Weirdly, I’ve found I don’t like cheesecake very much. I like the cream cheese pie we used to make with sweetened condensed milk, which as a small child I thought was cheesecake; not so much cheesecake. This ice cream, though, I adore. It’s rich and tangy and creamy and sweet.

Over the holidays, I finally invented a tasty, well-behaved paleo pasta. 🙂 That post will go up soon, since I’ve finally finished the last few tests I needed to do; for now, as a sort of teaser, here are the two sauces I made to ladle over the lovely pasta noodles we had for our Christmas feast.