These cookies were one of the first things Jocelyn and I made together after I was diagnosed with celiac back in college.  The recipe’s hers, from time immemorial, though I can at least claim the non-chocolate version as my own.  🙂

I have more blackberry recipes for you, never fear, but I’m taking a break to post a crisp I made up earlier this week. We had these two overripe pears sitting on the counter. They were obviously juicy and very sweet, but just too soft for good eating. So, I took those, a couple of apples left over after making the apple-blackberry pie that you’ll be hearing about later, and some of the cranberries from the freezer and created this crisp. Because Jennifer is currently visiting us I couldn’t use flour (long story short, when we’re sharing kitchen space I avoid making anything that would throw gluten up into the air), so this is a GF crisp too :D. You can thank me later.


I made this cheesecake as an experiment and took it to a family party entirely untested. I had to–there isn’t a good way to scale down cheesecake and Sean and I really shouldn’t eat an entire cheesecake ourselves! Fortunately, it turned out REALLY well and got rave reviews all-around. Plus, this is gluten-free as well as sugar-free, and what more could you ask for? I can’t claim that it’s healthy, it is, in fact, pretty much as bad for you as any other cheesecake, but it sure is tasty!


Abigail and I went berry picking a couple of days ago (there’s a WONDERFUL huge patch of brambles edging the play fields across from our house–this means the baby can play prickle-free while I pick. YES!) and we have tons of berries now. So, I made cobbler. It’s delicious, and reminds one forcibly of sun-warm berries … but with added carbs, so it’s even more delicious.


A while back I developed an intense longing not just for chocolate chip cookies, but for chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.  (Which is quite possibly the longest dessert name there is where each word has its own individual meaning.)  And I knew if I could make the kind of cookie dough you keep in the freezer, I could bake cookies or put that dough in ice cream.  Or, as it turns out, both.  😀

I have finally gotten around to recreating chocolate chip cookies! All it really took was finding adequate chocolate; without that, there was no motivation, because bad chocolate equals bad cookie. I hear tell there are actual chocolate chips that are natural-sugar sweetened, but I haven’t found them yet. Fortunately, a chopped bar of chocolate works just fine. Frankly, I think having the inevitable little shavings of chocolate in there with the bigger pieces is really a nice effect. Extra melty-ness!


It’s always a challenge to try to make a gluten-free version of something when you’ve never had it before, and don’t know what it’s supposed to taste like.  I’d never eaten or even seen or smelled a blondie myself.

We have vanilla ice cream left over from a party in our freezer right now. Problem is, the pie it was originally served with is long gone, and I find vanilla ice cream quite dull without anything to dress it up :D. Unusually for me, chocolate syrup was what sounded good. However, I don’t actually like store-bought syrup much, and if I’m gonna make it, I may as well make it so Sean can have it!


Everyone in my family loves the frozen chocolate pie we often make (at least, everyone who loves chocolate); but almost right away we started looking for a way to make a similar lemon pie.  When my sister and I started making frozen yogurt, we hit on something interesting — mixing Cool Whip into soft frozen yogurt made for a surprisingly creamy, almost ice-cream-like mixture.  With that and the thought of lemonade concentrate in mind, I set out to make this icebox pie.  🙂

I actually started working on this recipe before we left, but couldn’t do the final test in time to post it before vacation. Nonetheless, it is still summer, and thus still ice cream season, so we’re still good to go. It is a very tasty recipe and very easy to make, so I recommend trying it on the next hot day where you live!
